人間 (グループ写真展『過去との対話』出品作品解説)
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人間 (グループ写真展『過去との対話』出品作品解説)
♪‥春のうららの 隅田川
上り 下りの 舟人が‥
*当該写真は、"Recent Works(Photos)"ページの「人間」をご覧下さい。
人 (聯展「与過去対話」展出作品説明)
一開始、我唱了我自己喜歡的歌。後來覺得應該唱祖母知道的歌曲。《海》、《夏天的回憶》、《愛燦燦》、《真紅的秋天》等等. . . .接著、因為是春天、唱了抒發東京隅田川的春景的歌、《春天》。
*閲覧上述照片: 在"Recent Works(Photos)"欄目上的作品「人」
Human Being (Group Exhibition"Dialogue with the past" author's comment
One afternoon in last March, I went to the nursing home where my grandmother now lives. She has been affected by Senile Dementia, and seems to have lost all her memories, nobody can communicate with her now.
I visited her because I wanted to take her pictures for my new series of photographs. I told her:
“Grandma, may I take your pictures? I'm really in need of your photos for my work.”
” Grandma, it’s me, your Maya. Can you tell who I am?”
“…Thank you for letting me take your photos.”
By the time when I finished taking her pictures, I was shedding bitter tears. Is it necessary for a human being to be alive after having lost all her memories? After having become incapable to tell who is who, even among her own family members?
I decided to sing a song for her, I thought it was the only way to communicate with her, apart from the ordinary one through language, I recalled she had liked to listen to the songs. When I was a child, she often asked me: “Maya, sing this song”, and with utmost attention and care she listened to me singing.
At first I started to sing my own favorite songs. But then changed my mind to sing the old Japanese songs she also knew. “The Ocean”, “Memories of Summer”, “Love is brilliant”, “Crimson Autumn” ,and the like. When I began to sing a song entitled “Spring” as it was spring at that time,I asked:
“Grandma, do you remember this song? Now we are in spring, and cherry blossoms are in full bloom, it's so beautiful! Listen,
♪…On the Sumida river in the bright spring, boats are busy going upstream and down, crossing each other…♪”
When I started to sing “Spring”, her face changed very subtly. She thrusted her jaw slightly up in the air, and looked like taking the beat of that song I was singing.
At that moment I realized, I was feeling "com-passion" in the fullest sense of the word for her real old age and helplessness while, at the same time, her eyes seemed to tell me she too had compassion for me in tears.
This picture of hers was taken at that very instant of our reciprocal compassion.
*To see the photograph concerned, please go to"Recent Works (Photos)" page and click "Human Being" tab.
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